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I love my partner so much <3

Hiya, my name is Chen and I go by she/her. I have lots of hobbies, but the ones I'm most passionate about are software development, music production, and screwing around with technology. This is my little website that I sometimes pour time into with random tools, dumb apis, and useless stuff nobody will ever need.

Bandcamp https://flleeppyy.bandcamp.com/
Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/flleeppyy
Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/fleepy.tv
Twitch https://twitch.tv/flleeppyy
Telegram https://t.me/flleeppyy
Tumblr https://flleeppyy.tumblr.com
YouTube https://u.fleepy.tv/youtube
Steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/flleeppyy/
GitHub https://github.com/flleeppyy
Business Email mailto:[email protected]

Inspired by foxwells.garden and utsuho.rocks