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|_|    |_|_|\___|\___| .__/| .__/ \__, |\__, |
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                     |_|   |_|    |___/ |___/
i may be stupid

Bots FAQ


I run a handful of picture bots that post to several platforms, and usually have images sourced from Gelbooru, with a long list of omitted tags. They post hourly, and are powered by a private project called SidestBot.

One of your bots posted something extremely disgusting

Please contact me on one of the various platforms listed on the homepage. Telegram is usually the quickest

Why do you have NSFW bots?

Not everything has to be sunshine and rainbows, also why do you care?

Why are some platforms unavailable?

I've decided not to maintain these bots much anymore. For right now, they're only available on Telegram. I've been running these for 2 years and I just don't care enough to host them on multiple platforms.